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a) The short length of the urethra facilitates the abnormal introduction of microorganisms into the bladder through the urethra (from outside to inside),
b) Sexual intercourse especially with the use of spermicides which increase the risk of cystitis,
c) Genital and urinary prolapse in women does not allow emptying the bladder completely and predisposes to urinary tract infection,
d) Urinary incontinence,
e) Estrogen deficiency after menopause,
f) During pregnancy, hormonal changes and compression of the the bladder through the uterus which promotes urinary stasis and poor evacuation of the bladder.
the onset at a later age of a disease of the prostate (adenoma of prostate, prostate cancer) hindering the emptying of the bladder promotes urinary tract infections associated with infection of the epididymis (epididymitis) and prostate (prostatitis)
• frequent urges to urinate during the day and sometimes even at night.
• pain or a burning sensation when urinating.
• cloudy urine that gives off a strong smell.
• pressure in the lower abdomen, especially when urinating or after.
• discoloration of the urine or the presence of blood in the urine.
Although most of the time not serious, uncomplicated urinary tract infection must be dealt with. If treatment is delayed, the infection can spread to the kidneys. It will then be pyelonephritis.
When a urinary tract infection is not treated in time or with an unsuitable antibiotic adapted, resistant bacteria can travel up from the bladder to the kidneys.
There Pyelonephritis is the most serious condition affecting the urinary system.
Pregnant women are more frequently at risk of developing a complication pyelonephritis type due to anatomical changes specific to the pregnancy.
This is why regular monitoring of pregnancy is necessary to check the absence of urinary tract infection during pregnancy and prevent the risk of complication
• Forte fièvre ,
• Fortes douleurs dans le bas du dos, souvent du côté du rein atteint ,
• Des vomissements ,
• Des frissons ,
• État général affaibli.
The cytobacteriological examination of urine (ECBU) requires the analysis of a sample urine. ECBU results allow the doctor to identify the bacteria exact cause of urinary tract infection. Thus, he is able to continue with appropriate antibiotic treatment.
1. It is very common for the antibiotic to be chosen even before the results of cytobacteriological examination of urine (ECBU).
2. As soon as the ECBU analysis results are available, the doctor can adjust the prescription if necessary.
• Drink more than 1.5 liters per day,
• Perform complete urination while being relaxed,
• Never hold back when you want to urinate,
• Practice a vulvar toilet with soap,
• Perform a good toilet after bowel movements,
• Fight against constipation,
• Wipe with toilet paper from front to back,
• Avoid excessively forceful perineal toilets,
• Urinate immediately after intercourse,
• Avoid tight pants and underwear made of synthetic fibers that promote perspiration and the multiplication of germs.