
The MOGADOR medical analysis laboratory

Located at Essaouira 18, Residence "Jawharat Mogador", Boulevard Akaba. It is created and directed by Doctor MRIOUCH MOSTAFA, Medical Biologist, with a fruitful experience in the field of medical biology, enriched by continuous training and regular attendance at national and international congresses, diplomas and certificates, a diploma of quality in biology (Bordeaux), a PMA diploma (Montpellier).

Our laboratory has in-depth expertise in the field of medical biology and ensures the quality and accuracy of the results provided.
The MOGADOR medical analysis laboratory offers fundamental analyzes allowing a reliable, secure and rapid diagnosis.

Quality Service

Reliable Results


Years of exps
Dr Mriouch Mostafa


I am Doctor MRIOUCH MOSTAFA, a doctor specializing in medical biology. Allow me to briefly introduce you to my specialty and my background.

After obtaining my medical degree, I chose to specialize in medical biology, a discipline that plays an essential role in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases.

I am also a graduate in Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA) and an IRCA auditor who was trained according to the expectations of CQI IRCA.
As a medical biologist, my goal is to combine my medical knowledge and my laboratory skills to contribute to a better understanding of conditions and the improvement of health care.
I have acquired a solid experience in the interpretation of biological analyses, ranging from routine blood tests to more specialized analyses. I am able to identify specific biological markers, evaluate the results and insert them into the overall clinical context of the patient.
This expertise allows me to provide accurate and relevant information to physicians and other healthcare professionals, helping them make informed decisions for their patients.

Dr Mriouch Mostafa

I am passionate about technological advances in the field of medical biology and I strive to stay constantly up to date on the latest innovations.
This allows me to embrace new, cutting-edge techniques and use the most modern equipment in my lab, ensuring reliable, high-quality results.

As a biologist, I believe in the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. I work closely with other medical specialists, such as referring physicians, pathology specialists and researchers, to share crucial information and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in our field.
If you are looking for biological analysis services or if you are a health professional, I am at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your needs or to make an appointment.
I am delighted to be able to put my skills in medical biology at the service of the health and well-being of my patients.
Thank you for your attention.


Years of exps

Professional Career

Specialty in Biology

Doctor Biologist

PMA Diploma

in Montpellier

Quality Management Diploma

in Bordeaux

ISO Certification

ISO Certification 9001/2015


The medical analysis laboratory


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Expertise, precision, care
Your health in good hands

× 0628-699539