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• Toddlers born prematurely
• Babies over 6 months exclusively breastfed without any other foods solids (e.g. iron-fortified cereals)
• Infants bottle-fed with non-iron fortified milk for a prolonged period
• Children whose diet is not varied enough
• Children who drink large amounts of cow’s milk and do not have then more hungry to eat other foods, including those rich in iron
• Children over 3 years of age who have a restrictive diet low in iron or who suffer from problems affecting the digestive tract (e.g. cystic fibrosis and Crohn’s disease)
• Heart problems
• Depression
• Growth retardation in children
• Increased risk of infections
• Pregnancy complications
Correct iron deficiency anemia Oral iron The treatment of iron deficiency anemia is based primarily on iron intake by taking tablets (or syrup for children). This should be continued for at least three months and taken without food, to promote good absorption of iron.
Anemia caused by a lack of iron intake can be prevented by varied and balanced diet that covers iron needs. From birth, the breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula help the baby meet his iron needs.
From the age of 6 months, introduce complementary foods rich in iron. Iron-fortified baby cereals, lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, peas and beans, foods rich in vitamin C (e.g. oranges, clementines, tomatoes and peppers), as they will help his body absorb iron.